Surprising Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Surprising Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal traps unwanted substances on the surface of your skin, including fungi, dirt, and inhospitable bacteria, giving the good guys in your skin microbiome a chance to restore balance to your skin. It also plays a role in reducing the impact of free radicals in the body, which steal electrons from your skin cells, damaging them and making your skin look older.


The same thing goes for your hair: activated charcoal's powers of adsorption mean that it can bind to stuff you'd rather not have in your hair or on your scalp, like product build up, excess dead skin cells, or even fungi! activated charcoal powder manufacturer While you don't really need it for every day, it goes make a good deep cleansing option, especially if you use a lot of product on your hair.



Have you ever eaten burnt toast to settle your stomach? Activated charcoal works on the same principle. It can neutralize substances that can leave your stomach upset, especially those that can leave you bloated and gassy.6 And if a little bit of gas does stick around, chances are it won't be quite as embarrassing as normal––activated charcoal may bind to hydrogen sulfide, which causes that "rotten egg" smell.7


Our modern Western culture exposes us to unprecedented levels of pollution, heavy metals, and heavily modified foods. While your body generally does a good job of processing and removing toxins, constant exposure can lead to a buildup of substances that you really don't want to keep around.  wanyang Activated charcoal has gained tremendous popularity in numerous cleanse and detox protocols because of its ability to give your body a little extra help in removing things like mycotoxins, unwanted bacteria, and heavy metals by binding to them and neutralizing them until they can pass through your digestive system.


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